New year new me.

I'm not huge on completely revamping yourself and all your attributes on the yearly basis. I don't think cracking open the champers come midnight, and disillusioning yourself that come tomorrow you'll have gained the title of office sweetheart, the nicest neighbour on the block, or that one person unable to walk past a homeless person without sparing a penny and countless kind words. Beyond niceness (I'm not wholly sure if that is indeed a word), you're unlikely to stick to a diet and fitness overhaul if you catapult yourself into an unbearable regime come the morning of the first, when your blood stream is no doubt still frazzled by the myriad of vodka shots you necked the night before. New year, for me, is more of an occasion to step back and appreciate the less thought of achievements of the year before.Unfortunately my new years resolution of 2015 (to stop biting my fingernails) wasn't quite achieved and will also stand as this years resolution. I'm hoping that by 2017 I'll have pretty talons, and will spend less time in between gym sets furiously gnawing at my fingers. It is rather grubby, I've realised, considering all the other sweaty mits that have been plastered over bars, dumbbells and machines. Perhaps come 2017 I won't have to study English, and could throw myself into the profession of a hand model for earning my millions.Beyond quitting the un-quittable, and possibly most revolting habit I have, I'm hoping to move in short term to the local library and throw myself head first into studying for the next half year, until exam season rolls around. Perhaps I should have requested a blow up camping set and stove for Christmas as opposed to a never-ending supply of socks. I may indeed end up the infamous yeti-like creature of Exeter libraries, heavily bearded and rarely sighted, creeping in between book cases. (Unfortunately this is also unlikely as my sister continues to unknowingly fund my Netflix subscription, and evenings are far better spent engrossed in documentaries, head over heels at the sound of David Attenborough's soothing voice educating me on the development of geodes).Last but not least, having undergone another tragic sober night as a result of my commitment to Roaccutane, my new years ended in bed with a good helping of peanut butter and gogglebox. Therefore I was ripe and ready for an early morning gym excursion (early also taken lightly, as yet another resolution is sadly going to be waking up pre-lunchtime, upon returning to my studies). I haven't set any formal weight targets since I'm not overly education on realistic increments over the next year (100kg deadlift does however seem an attractive prospect). Despite this I'm keen to continue improving my lifts and physique, and bring on all sorts of gains over the next year. Until then, I will continue to embarrass myself and everyone else in the vicinity - or rather attract shame from the onlookers - for my wanton gym selfies and sour pout.

Enjoy my first for 2016, and may you all have a fabulous year no matter how large or small your resolutions!IMG_7926


On your siblings having kids


It's not fun being ill anymore